It’s been too many months since I have written. I have been deep in transition. Less than 2 weeks ago, I sold my home of ten years, a culmination of 4 months of purging, schlepping, cleaning, staging, and packing. Phew! It’s been an exhausting and emotional process that I am relieved to have behind me. I have been looking forward to returning to a more normal routine.
Of course, life at this moment could not be any less normal or routine for anyone. The arrival of the pandemic Coronavirus in January has created great upheaval in our world. The spread and anticipated threat of this fast moving, stealth, flu-pneumonia-like virus has caused concern and panic around the globe. The media continues to pump out story after story of the newly infected, the death toll, the shut down of businesses, states, and countries, the stock market crashes, unemployment, closed schools, overrun grocery stores, supply shortages, quarantines and isolated loved ones. News of this virus has immobilized us in fear, partially due to the lack of information or an available vaccine. The coronavirus is to be taken seriously, and if not properly suppressed, could result in devastating impacts on human lives, our emotional well being, the economy, our healthcare system, and our world as we know it.
The interpretation from the spiritual world is that the virus is here to teach, to push us out of our comfort zone, to slow us down, to dismantle the old paradigms. The fall out from the virus will open the energy for us to live more connected to our true selves, to each other, and to our mother earth. I do believe this as truth.
Amidst the chaos, some remarkably positive things are occurring. This virus IS forcing us to s-l-o-w d-o-w-n and be more present for our life. Homebound employees are taking their breaks outdoors, parents are working with homeschooled kids, and families are bonding at the meal table and in nature. These examples and many more are small but meaningful positive shifts. Adult children are moving in with their elderly parents to protect them. Opportunities for bonding and healing abound. Organizations around the world are offering free virtual teachings, entertainment, meditations, and ways to cope with fear and anxiety. Generosity and kindness grows through volunteering, donating, sharing, and reaching out to others. Innovative creative ideas are being birthed by restaurants and businesses to keep their customers spending, without physically congregating. Hopeful examples of human kindness and adaptation abound. The willingness to change and see things through a different lens makes space for expansion and transformation.
It is predictable that laws will change, and legislation will be passed to put protective systems in place for the future. China has now banned the trade of wild animals for food, a big win for wildlife, the environment, and our health. Hopefully other countries will follow suit to close these cruel open markets. I imagine that our health care infrastructure will be reconstructed as a result of this crisis as well.
While some of the changes happening now, may only be for the duration of the quarantines and shut downs, they are showing us a different and more heart-connected way to be, creating shifts in our heart chakra, bodies (cells) and minds.
The Italians singing and playing music out on their balconies while under quarantine have it right. Make the best of the situation, keep it light, stay connected, and have hope. Love conquers fear. Panicking won’t help anyone. Panic makes people feel ungrounded and overwhelmed, leading to unhealthy behaviors (such as hoarding). We will get through this. We have the tools. Now is a good time to engage in the activities that make us feel good; nature outings, music, creative projects, yoga, meditation, reading. It is true that there will be loss, heartbreak, hardship, and uncertainty during this time, but there will be unseen gifts. We are gaining insights, wisdom, creative solutions, and new ways of being. And maybe…. once “order is restored”, some of this new way of being, will imprint on our brains and in our DNA, and be integrated for a better, healthier, happier existence more in balance, more sustainable with our host planet, and more joyful. One can only hope that the lessons we are learning from this crisis will last - for this lifetime, and even others.
I am enclosing this link as one inspirational interpretation of the virus’ message to us. There are many out there with similar consistent messages.
Could you use some good news? Check out The Optimist Daily.
Please stay safe and healthy, be kind from a distance, reach out to your loved ones often, find a way to contribute, and practice daily gratitude (there is ALWAYS something to be grateful for!). We will see each other soon in person. In the meantime, I will continue to offer distance sessions for those of you who need some healing and stress relief during this trying time.
Written with much love and blessings to each of you. : )
