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Bring on Spring!!!

I know that for some or many of you, winter has felt long, cold, and taxing. Although it is a time of hibernation, rest and going inward, the shorter, dark days can wear on our emotional, mental and physical health. Low amounts of sunlight in the northern hemisphere create a shortage of vitamin D in our bodies (we need sunlight to make Vitamin D). Low Vitamin D in the body can cause lethargy, weakness, chronic fatigue, depression, trouble sleeping, anxiety, bone loss, a weakened immune system, and inflammation.

 Find more information HERE

No wonder we suffer in the winter?  SAD is a real thing for sure. Add to this that cold weather makes us achy and stiff, and ice makes it harder to be mobile. If you live in the north, taking Vitamin D in the winter can make for big change.  If you don’t already do this, look into getting your Vitamin D level tested and taking a supplement. Getting outside and out of the house, even in the cold, can cut way down on cabin fever, boredom and help boost energy.  The best news is that the days ARE getting longer, and brighter.  Each day, we gain more light and length of the day. The official first day of Spring is tomorrow, March 20th  In Maine it is a little hard to see spring so early, BUT the birds are singing, the plants are gearing up to produce new growth, and the animals are active now, mating and making homes for the new family. This time of year brings new hopes, new life, new dreams! Spring is happy making, and joyful!!   I want to honor all of your efforts to self-care and staying “sane” during the winter months, in whatever way, shape or form it takes. Going to a movie, attending a music event, an art show, a dance, a class, yoga, meditation, getting body or energy balancing work, gathering with family, skiing, skating, walking in nature, snow-shoeing, bird-watching, traveling, crafting, and doing home projects are all excellent ways to bring joy, chi, prana, raise our energetic vibration. Keep doing what makes you feel good! It may be cliché and simple but it’s so true. We know what we need. Trust your own inner wisdom.  And if you need a “reset”, I am happy to help with that too. : ) Sending warm wishes for feelings of hope, joy, excitement, lightness, the birthing of new ideas, and a welcoming of the inevitable new life and vitality that comes with spring. Aho!



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JoAnn Dowe is a Certified Polarity Practitioner,  Shamanic Healer, a Certified Heart Lotus Evolution Practitioner, and is Reiki II Certified. 


Call JoAnn at 207-331-7707.


Monday through Friday, 9am EST to 5pm EST.  Some evening and weekend appointments can be arranged as well.


Portland, Maine


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